What Remains Of Edith Finch Is Next Game By Unfinished Swan’s Developer

Alright, that looks intriguing.

The developers of The Unfinished Swan are at it again, creating a beautiful, artistic looking game that looks spiritually very close to their debut game, but very different otherwise. We were shown some of the game at Sony’s PlayStation Experience keynote conference earlier today, and while there isn’t a whole lot to go on, you can color me intrigued. That, along with the fact that we know that this developer has a good track record, gives me some confidence in being (at least) cautiously hyped for this title.

You can check out the trailer for yourself, and tell us what you think of it in the comments, even though, like I said, there really isn’t much to go on right now. And you can stay tuned to GamingBolt, because we will bring you all the latest and greatest information from the PlayStation Experience, throughout the weekend, as it happens.

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