Wikipad Announces Gamevice, A Next Gen Mobile Controller

We shall see how next gen it truly is.

At this year’s CES 2014, Wikipad Inc., known for their advancements in mobile gaming, unveiled their latest innovation aimed at legitimizing the mobile platform and bringing it up to par with its console competitors.

Their newest creation is called the Gamevice and acts as a controller addon to mobile units. The design of the controller is such that it allows for different sized devices and can adjust its size accordingly.

Fraser Townley, President of Wikipad had the following to say:

“We value the opinions of our community. We heard from many people who either expressed love for the Wikipad 7 or who already owned an iPad or an Android or Windows 8 mobile device and wanted us to make a controller that worked for them. We are currently working on versions for Windows 8 and Android devices. We have not forgotten other important OS systems and we hope to announce additional support for those in the near future.”

Gamevice features dual analog sticks along with four trigger buttons.
