World of Warcraft Development Team Already Working on Future Expansions

'We've never been more forward thinking about World of Warcraft.'

World of Warcraft may slowly be dwindling down- its subscriber count this past quarter was the lowest it has been in years- but it still remains a massive behemoth, and especially in the wake of the cancellation of Titan, Blizzard’s long planned next generation MMORPG, the developer remains committed to it. In fact, it’s already working on future expansion packs with a development team that is the largest this game has ever had.

“The World of Warcraft team is 50 percent larger today than it was when we shipped Mists of Pandaria [two years ago],”World of Warcraft executive producer J. Allen Brack told Polygon. “We’re already working on the next expansion. We already have ideas for the expansion after that. We’ve never been larger. We’ve never been more forward-thinking about the types of things that we can do with World of Warcraft.”

This sounds good to me as Blizzard needs to keep World of Warcraft relevant and active. If its subscription count continues to drop, then, with nothing to replace the game, Blizzard might find that its bottom line has been sorely hit.


Blizzardmmorpgpc gamingWorld of Warcraft