Xbox 720 Trying To Be The Center of The Living Room, Is Not Only About The Games

Xbox 720 doesn't seem like a gaming only machine.

Jonathon Blow came onto Sony press conference and revealed his latest game called The Witness, which is an indie title and will be releasing on the PS4 first.

This shocked plenty of people as Blow had released Braid first on the Xbox 360 and there were some issues between his studio and Microsoft, and that could have been the reason why this move was made.

“Some were technical – we haven’t officially been disclosed on Microsoft’s next console, but we do see the same leaks as everyone else has, and they seem plausible,” he told Edge.

“To me they talk about a console that is not strictly about games. It’s trying to be the centre of the living room device, which is fine and maybe it’s the right thing for Microsoft to do, business-wise.

“I don’t know; I actually don’t think it is, but they’ve certainly thought about it more than me! As a place to put the best, highest performing version of our game on, it doesn’t seem as good a choice.”

The Witness will be a PS4 launch title, but that could change. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

ps4The Witnessxbox 720