XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus Leaked for PS Vita

All of my yes.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown was one of the best games of last generation, rebooting the classic franchise in a great way, and bringing some incredible, nail biting turn based strategy gameplay to life. Now, it seems like we may be able to enjoy this modern classic wherever and whenever we want- apparently, the Korean Ratings Board has rated XCOM: Enemy Unknown Plus for the PS Vita.

The Korean Rating Board has an incredible track record with these things- they leaked Resident Evil Revelations on consoles, for instance, as well as Crysis. So it’s a pretty good bet that this is happening.

It is also interesting that it is called ‘Enemy Unknown’ (as opposed to the Enemy Within moniker which would indicate that it includes the expansion), but it does have the ‘Plus’ suffix- does that mean it will have some of the additional content after all? Or is the Plus just to differentiate it from the console and PC releases?

Whatever the case, I would jump on this thing if it were real so hard… let’s hope this actually does happen.

2k gamesFiraxisPS VitaXCOM: Enemy Unknown