Xenoblace Chronicles 3D Receives A New 3 Minute Trailer

Check out the introduction trailer for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D.

For those of you that, like myself, love to drop a huge amount of time into a well made JRPG, the chances are good that you’ve been pouring over all the available screenshots and trailers for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. You may even have been posting on forums, just trying to locate more information or new content reveals.

Well for now, your search can be put on pause. Nintendo have seen fit to release a brand new three minute long trailer, that is packed with gameplay, by way of their official Nintendo YouTube channel. The trailer shows off a number of new combat scenarios and takes the viewer through a number of new areas that we haven’t seen yet thanks to some brand new footage.

Despite being a port of a console game to the New 3DS XL hardware, Xenoblade Chronicles 3D still boasts impressive visuals and a lot of gameplay hours to be chewed through. The game is set to drop in the UK, Europe and Japan on April 2nd, but gamers in North America are going to have to wait until April 10th.

3DSNintendoXenoblade Chronicles 3D