Monolith Soft’s newest epic is Xenoblade Chronicles 2, a fantastic, evocative JRPG that tackles heady themes in its story, mixes deep and intricate RPG and battle systems with a gorgeous world you want to explore, set to the backdrop of surprisingly nuanced characters and sweeping orchestral scores.
It’s a really good game. It’s also like a hundred hours long. Seriously, this is a long RPG. It can get positively exhausting by the end. It’s also one of those games where you can get stuck because you don’t know what it is that you are supposed to be doing. What I am saying is, you probably need a walkthrough to get through some parts of it- there’s no shame in that, everyone needs help sometimes.
Anyway, here’s the walkthrough, in full- do bear in mind this has full spoilers, which can be devastating for a game like this, so don’t skip ahead of where you are.