Yakuza 0’s New English Trailer Shows Off Game’s Battle System

Let your fists do the talking.

It’s probably still hard to believe for a lot of Yakuza fans, who have long been subjected to delayed releases of the franchise in the west – sometimes no releases of new games in the series in the west – but Yakuza games actually get localizations, now. Assured localizations. Not the timeliest ones, sure, but still. It’s better than nothing.

With Yakuza 0 due to launch for the PS4 on January 24 in Europe and North America, Sega and Deep Silver have shared a brand new trailer for the game, that shows off the fighting system. Each character gets access to their own unique battle styles, and you can also always spend money to upgrade the moves you do have at your disposal.

You can check out the trailer for yourself below. Yakuza 0 launched in Japan last year, and will be available in the west early next year. Let us know what you think in the comments section.

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