Yakuza 4 Remaster Gets Over 30 New Screenshots

Showing combat, characters, environments, and more.

Sega’s drive to bring the entire Yakuza series to modern consoles continues. With the original first two titles of the series having already been remade with the Kiwami treatment, and Yakuza 3 having been remastered and released in Japan, next up is Yakuza 4. Sega have released 31 new screenshots for its upcoming remaster, which you can take a look at below.

Characters, both major and minor, are shown off, while a lot of the screenshots also showcase a great deal of Yakuza’s iconic over-the-top combat. A few of the character models are looking a bit lacking in definition, which can be said of some of the environments as well, but all in all, it’s looking decent enough. This isn’t a remake, after all, only a remaster, and we can’t have the Dragon Engine treatment in every Yakuza game.

Recently, Sega also released a video for the Yakuza 4 remaster that showed off some of the game’s combat in action. You can take a look at it through hereYakuza 4 Remaster is due out in Japan for the PS4 on January 17, 2019- no western release has been confirmed yet.

ps4Segayakuza 4Yakuza 4 Remaster