Yakuza Series Sales Hit 9 Million Worldwide, As Yakuza 6 Ships 500,000 Copies

Some good, well deserved numbers.

There’s a reason that Sega continues to make Yakuza games- they’re just very successful for them overall. Even Yakuza 6, which was a significantly diminished debut for the franchise compared to some previous entries, has managed to hit 500,000 shipments across Japan and Asia, according to Sega. The number includes physical and digital copies, both.

In the process, total worldwide shipments for the Yakuza series are now at 9 million worldwide- an impressive number, to be sure, and one that more than justifies the continued investment in the games (you know what else justifies that investment? The fact that Yakuza games are awesome).

Yakuza 6 is available now in Japan, and it is exclusively on the PS4. It will launch in the west over the next year or so- for now, we will be getting Yakuza 0, the prequel to the entire franchise, launching next month, also exclusively on the PS4 (it sounds like the PS3 SKU was cut for the localization).

[Thanks Gematsu]

ps4SegayakuzaYakuza 6