Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s World Map Revealed by Dataminers

Spoilers ahead.

In the midst of many spoilers from recent leaks of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, due to launch on Friday for Wii U and Nintendo Switch, comes the reveal of the world map. It was discovered by dataminers who had access to the game’s files so if you don’t to know anymore then be advised. Spoilers lie ahead.

As Nintendo touted, the world of Hyrule is incredibly big in Breath of the Wild. The map doesn’t showcase region names and whatnot so you’re safe in that regard. It comes via GameFAQs and high-resolution option (weighing 145 MB) is available here.

This image doesn’t necessarily showcase how dense the overall game is or how the scale relates to the player overall but rest assured that it’s fairly massive (EDGE’s review indicates some 100 Shrines overall).

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is out on March 3rd for Wii U and Nintendo Switch. What are your thoughts on the world and the reception that the overall game is receiving? Let us know below.

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