ZombiU DLC “a possibility”, says Ubisoft

But highly unlikely

ZombiU came out yesterday, along with the Wii U itself, being a launch title and all (duh), and already, the publisher Ubisoft is talking about DLC. However, they’re saying it’s unlikely. But it could happen.

ZombiU multiplayer game director Bogdan Bridinel said that the team at Ubisoft Montpellier currently has no plans to bring any DLC to the game, however, it’s still a possibility. I’m guessing they’re waiting to see just how well it does money-wise.

“A few things that we tried during production ended up on the cutting room floor,” Bridinel told ONM, “but this was because they didn’t work out as well as we had hoped, not because the schedule forced us to.”

“It could become a possibility,” he added.

Reviews for ZombiU have been mixed, but you never know with gamers. They might still go ahead and buy it.

[Nintendo Life]

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