ZombiU will have a huge twist at the end of its story

Ubisoft says ZombiU will have a huge twist when the game ends.

Gabrielle Shrager, the story director of ZombiU, says that players will experience a very big twist at the end of the game, and that not many will be able to guess what it is before it’s actually revealed.

“There is a twist. ZombiU is a thriller,” she told Official Nintendo Magazine, “but only the most persistent and best-prepared survivors will discover what the twist is before the reveal.”

She, however, hopes that no one spoils the ending for anyone, especially since the Wii U is much more about connectivity now, what with Miiverse and everything.

“I’m sure the first survivors won’t resist the urge to spill the beans, but I hope others won’t spoil it for themselves,” she said.

The Wii U releases at the end of this month, and ZombiU releases along with it on the same day as a launch title.

Stay tuned for more information.

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