3 Days For 3 Games Sales With On Live Network

As most of you may know of the ON Live service that lets you play game on your computer even if it is a piece of crap and still looks great with essentially no lag is having a Special Sale this weekend only!  How does $5.00 sound for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days for the PC this Friday?  Additionally Just Cause 2 will be 50% off this Saturday April 30th making it $14.99 along with 75% off Batman Arkham Asylum this Sunday only running you only $7.50 which are all a steal in my book.  You can try all the demo for free as well.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days – Demo
Just Cause 2 – Demo
Batman Arkham Asylum – Demo

Batman Arkham AsylumGames on DemandJust Cause 2Kane & Lynch 2: Dog DaysKane and Lynch 2Kane and Lynch 2: Dog DaysOn LiveOnLivepc