98% of Hearthstone Players Have Not Climbed Above Rank 5

If you suck, you are not alone.

Hearthstone is a very popular game, but it can also be intimidating to get into, simply because of a very rabid and elitist seeming community that has formed up around it, not unlike one you would find around a MOBA like League of Legends or DOTA 2. But while Hearthstone players are generally nicer, the game is also generally more casual and much easier. And as a matter of fact, it appears that most players aren’t even all that skilled. Most players still find themselves below Rank 5, implying that they are invested in a more casual form of Hearthstone play than something hyper competitive.

“Just because you haven’t hit Legend rank doesn’t mean you are doing poorly in Hearthstone,” Blizzard said in a blog post, while also sharing an infographic.

“On the contrary, only a very small percentage of Hearthstone players have reached Legend rank.”

So that means that most of the 20 million players playing the game are actually not all that great at it- meaning you should be at ease diving in.

Hearthstone is available on PC, Mac, and iPad.
