Ace Combat Infinity Ulysses Disaster Recieves A New Trailer And Screens

A new look at Ace Combat Infinity.

Ace Combat Infinity is the soon-to-be released flight based action game from developers, Project Aces. Ace Combat Infinity will be free to play, and will release exclusively on the PlayStation 3. It will be the first free to play installment in the Ace Combat series.

In this trailer, we see some Ace Combat Infinity plot centering on the “Ulysses Disaster.” The trailer also gives us some good looks at what we can expect in terms of game play, showing off both the cockpit-perspective flight simulation, and the third person outside-of-vehicle view, while also giving us a glimpse at some of the weaponry that certain planes will utilize to neutralize their targets.

The Ulyssees Disaster centers on a rogue series of asteroids headed for earth, and the efforts of earth to thwart them. With the help of advanced technology, mankind was able to spare the earth at the expense of the majority of her inhabitants. We can assume that your rigorous flight training will center on trying to prevent such a disaster from every happening again.

ace combat infinityNamco Bandai GamesProject Acesps3