Just over a year ago, Sony started to market the PlayStation 4, and in a dramatic break from tradition, they did it right. They did it wonderfully. They got people hyped, and to date, they have sold over 10 million units of the system in less than one year- a refreshing change from the marketing horrors of the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Move, and PlayStation Vita (the list really goes on and on).
Now, ahead of the one year launch anniversary of the system, Sony has released a new live action ad, celebrating the friendly competition and rivalry that motivates so much of gaming.
“There’s something special about grabbing your PS4 controller, sitting down with a friend, and starting up a game. Whether side-by-side on the couch or online, there’s nothing quite like getting ready for some real competitive or cooperative gaming,” Sony said on the PlayStation Blog.
“Our new video is dedicated to those great gaming moments shared with friends. With or against each other, we know that nothing brings you together and creates those incredible moments like a little friendly competition. This Fall, we invite you to join us in the celebration.”
It’s a nice ad, and it should net Sony some more mindshare going into the critical holiday season in the coming months.