AMD May Have Just Confirmed The PS4 NEO

AMD may have let the info slip during investors day.

The PS4 Neo might be the worst kept besides the Nintendo NX but Sony still hasn’t actually confirmed the existence of a console that would be a slight upgrade to the PS4. Now documents released by AMD might have confirmed, once and for all, that the console does exist.

During AMD Investor Days, the company laid out its goals and its plans including a mention of new semi-custom business in 2H 2016.” As VR World points out, this could have been the Nintendo NX but sources told that site the reference is actually about Sony.

While there wasn’t a ton of information about the PS4 Neo beyond that little slip of the tongue, there was also talk about the new console using 14nm and Polaris as part of its architecture. This would go at least a little way towards answering the question as to just how powerful this new console is going to be. Now we’ll just have to wait and see when Sony is willing to announce.

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