ARK: Survival Evolved Dev- Probably 50% Difference Between Xbox One X And PS4 Pro

With 6 teraflops, who's even surprised at this?

The Xbox One X looks really, really impressive, to say the least. Microsoft revealed the Xbox One revision at their E3 press conference yesterday, and the system, earlier being called Scorpio, is being dubbed the most powerful console ever, and if the specs are anything to go buy, that’s a well-earned tag. However, given the fact that it is in direct competition with the PS4, and more specifically, the PS4 Pro, there’s bound to be lots of comparisons between the capabilities of the two.

However, Jesse Rapczac, co-founder of ARK: Survival Evolved developers Studio Wildcard, has answered the question of just how much difference there is between the Xbox One X and the PS4 Pro in quite clear terms. “I would probably say around 50 per cent,” Rapczac said when asked the question in an interview with Geoff Keighley.

When asked if ARK: Survival Evolved would have the same frame rate and specs on the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X, Rapczac said that that wasn’t “really possible”. “It’s not really possible, and there’s a couple reasons for that,” Rapczac said. “The Xbox One X not only has faster, it has a lot more RAM too. So that’s why we’re able to put in all the extra draw distances, all the extra meshes, high resolution textures.”

Rapczac also confirmed that the ARK would run at 60 frames per second on the Xbox One X, but would have a variable frame rate on account of the fact that it is, after all, an online game. Getting back to the PS4 Pro/Xbox One X comparisons, Rapczac went on to made quite a bold statement. “I think one of the big differentiating factors with that for us is that [with the PS4 Pro] there was a console version that we targeted medium settings on PC, and with [the Xbox One X], we’re actually targeting our epic settings, which is high-end quality.”

Tha should put the debate to rest- not that there was much of one to begin with anyway. The Xbox One X’s specs look unbelievably impressive, and when you consider the fact that they’ve fit all of it into such a small, sleek looking system, it all becomes even more so.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for continued coverage on the Xbox One X.

ARK Survival Evolvedps4ps4 proStudio WildcardXbox Onexbox one x