Armored Core New Game In Development, From Software’s Hidetaka Miyazaki Confirms

Fans of Armored Core- now is your time!

From Software may be best known for their Dark Souls series (and associated games such as Bloodborne) at this point, but not so long ago, their best claim to fame as their Armored Core series of action games, which involve giant mecha-robots fighting. You can see why that would be popular.

Armored Core has been increasingly sidelined as From has focused almost exclusively on Dark Souls over the last few years. However, that ends now, as it sounds like a new Armored Core game may be in development at From. Speaking to DualShockers, From Software’s Hidetaka Miyazaki confirmed that a new Armored Core game is in development, though he did decline to share more details on the title.

Hopefully, this new game will be a new mainline entry going back to the roots of the franchise, instead of an experimental spin off or something of that nature- fans have been waiting for a new Armored Core for too long, and anything less than a new, true entry in the series will be disappointing to them.

armored coreFrom Software