Assassin’s Creed 3 to be released on the PS Vita?

We already know that an Assassin’s Creed game is in development for the PS Vita and a title will be releasing this year, but if new info is anything to go by, that title may just be the heavyweight coming in this October, the third canonical instalment in the blockbuster franchise.

Online retailer listed Assassin’s Creed 3 for the PS Vita, citing a release date simultaneous with the console release.

The game is already coming out for the Wii  U too, sony Ubisoft probably wants to capitalize on the next gen market. The PS Vita is also a very powerful piece of hardware, so the devs will probably be able to port the game over to the handheld system without making any major concessions. In fact, the several control inputs of the Vita (the gyroscopic controls, the touch screen and the rear touch pad) might even improve the game’s experience.

This is, of course, not confirmed, but the listing still hasn’t been removed, quite notably, and with E3 coming up just around the corner, we expect huge announcements, since Sony will definitely try to revive the Vita.

This might just be a huge addition to the system’s library. Tell us what you think in your comments below.

[PS Vita Gen]

assassins creed 3Assassins Creed IIIPS VitasonyUbisoft