Astro Bot Features Over 70 New Enemy Types, PlayStation Icons May Play an “Even Bigger Part”

Team Asobi's 3D platformer will also have "die-and-retry" levels, providing a more challenging experience for some players.

Among the many announcements at State of Play, Team Asobi’s Astro Bot is arguably one of the highlights. As a full-blown platforming adventure for PlayStation’s unofficial mascot, it features +80 levels to explore and over 15 new abilities. Of course, players will also have several new enemies to face, with the developer touting more than 70 new types.

The number includes bosses, like Lady Venomara (the giant cobra), who Astro must face before concluding his trip in a galaxy. Team Asobi also teased a “wonderful secret” after defeating each boss, though it’s avoiding spoilers. Though the trailer showcases a handful of PlayStation icons, like Uncharted’s Nathan Drake to God of War’s Kratos, the developer doubles down on the cast and hopes to “delight every PlayStation fan out there.”

It also teases that the characters may “play an even bigger part in saving the day.” Interestingly, it confirms “die-and-retry” levels for players who want a more challenging experience.

Astro Bot launches on September 6th for PS5. Stay tuned for more details and gameplay in the coming months.

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