Atlus Promises Persona 5 News In 2015

About. Damn. Time.

It’s amazing how hyped everyone is for Persona 5 (this includes me, incidentally), considering that we don’t know a single damn thing about it apart from the fact that it, well, exists. But such is the goodwill that Atlus and Persona have earned, especially after the last two mainline releases- Persona 3 and Persona 4 legitimately qualify as among the greatest games ever released.

But if the information blackout on Persona 5 has you frustrated- and it has me frustrated, even though it means I get excited every time there is any new news about the game- then hang on tight. Atlus has promised new information for the game will be coming in the new year. Which, considering the game releases some time in 2015, is about damn time.

“After the New Year, we’d like to reveal content with proper timing,” said the game’s producer.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t specify a window- technically, December 31 2015 would be ‘after the New Year,’ but of course, it is more reasonable that he means sometime soon after January 1. It is also likely that he is referring to the Persona Music Concert in Japan being held on February 5, which has been teased as having something to do with Persona 5 for a while now- which means that we may just be little over a month away from having some concrete information about this game.

Just… give it to me, Atlus.

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