Batman Arkham Knight: Stunning Screenshots Released

Batman faces off against the Arkham Knight.

There are a lot of things that a person could call awesome. Few of them however, are the same as a once ninja, turned armoured vigilante billionaire with a car that doubles as a hover tank. And if you can read that sentence without a pang of jealousy then you’re a better person that I am.

Batman, the caped crusader has long been a character of interest, and that carries over into his more recent forays into video games. So imagine my excitement when I learned that new Batman Arkham Knight Screenshots have been revealed. I must however point out something that may cause concern for some gamers. The images seem to have been taken from a magazine resulting into a type of noise or grain filter on them and that’s something that a vast sea of gamers don’t like.

However it doesn’t take away from the overall impressiveness of the games visuals.Either way, the screenshots look amazing and you can view them below. The game comes out later this year for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Batman: Arkham Knightpcps4Rocksteady Studioswarner bros interactive entertainment