Battlefield 3 to get showtime in GDC 2011

GDC organisers have confirmed that DICE’s yet to be shown Battlefield 3 will be getting a session over at their conference next year.

Kenny Magnusson of the Swedish developer will be taking to the stage in SF and will preside over a session caleed “Lightning You up in Battlefield 3” which will showcase the “the technical implementation of the art direction in BATTLEFIELD 3, the workflows we created for it as well as how all the individual lighting components fit together: deferred rendering, HDR, dynamic radiosity and particle lighting.” Neat, no?

GDC gonna take place in Spring next year, which means you can expect a formal announcement of the game in the not too distant future (cough…VGA 2010…sneeze).

Look what EA Games VP, Patrick Soderlund told recently:

“You’ll know probably sooner than I will. You are going to be able to see it in the not too distant future. The marketing guys would kill me if I told you when,” he said earlier in the month.

Gears of War 3, Final Fantasy and Pixar have also been confirmed to appear at the event next year. More updates as they come in.

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