Battlefield 4: Dragon’s Teeth Features Two Handed Ballistic Shields

Players will be able to bash others using the shield - but can't fire while wielding it.

If you thought DICE was done adding new weapons and items into Battlefield 4, you’d be wrong. Senior animator Ryan Duffin has recently revealed at GDC 2014 that the next DLC, Dragon’s Teeth will have two-handed ballistic shields. It’s not like Call of Duty’s shields though – you won’t be able to shoot from behind cover – but it is useful for bashing players a few feet away from you.

As reported by Polygon, Duffin stated that, “There was a lot of resistance at first but the more we assessed it, the more we realized it was a better feature. It turns out that stopping bullets in a first-person shooter is a ton of fun. We’re confident that it will create a new dynamic for the game.”

There were attempts to add shields before but as Duffin pointed out, “We didn’t have enough memory. It added about a megabyte, but a megabyte on a 2006 console is a lot, so it didn’t work out.” This meant constraints on the animation.

Dragon’s Teeth is still a ways off though – for now, Battlefield 4 will have the Naval Strike DLC landing on March 18th for Premium subscribers.

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