Battlefield 4 Update on PS4 Fixes One Hit Kill Bug

Now when you shoot someone in the head, they won't die at once.

I’m still not sure why it’s a bug when shooting someone in the head means they die instantly, but okay.

After the ruckus that has been raised over this specific bug in Battlefield 4 (among a plethora of others, those more deserved), DICE has rolled out an update for the game on PlayStation 4 that addresses the one hit kill bug.

Battlefield 4’s launch has been incredibly troubles. Plagued with bugs, glitches, deleted saves and progress, and dropped connections and overloaded servers, the launch has been such a mess that EA and DICE have both pledged to not release any more content for the game till they can fix what’s already out. Although, to be fair, they pledged this after they released China Rising, the first piece of DLC for the game.

Do you already have Battlefield 4? What system do you have it for? How has your experience with the game been so far?


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