Battletech’s Engine Looks Impressive In This Early In-Engine Visual Exploration

This is a very promising start.

Battletech, the turn-based tactical mech combat game from the creators of Shadowrun, has seemed promising ever since it was first put up on Kickstarter. Now we have received an update on the project from the creators, and while this is not exactly representative of how the final project may look, it is still very cool- a rather impressive early in-engine visualization.

“As we’ve said before, we’re still early in prototyping and pre-production on this project,” the developers said in Kickstarter update. “Over the last couple of weeks, one of the pre-production tasks our art team’s been working on is a 3D test-scene in Unity (our game engine). This is an important internal pre-production goal, because it lets us explore how our 2D concept art translates to real-time 3D, uncovering some of the challenges we’ll be faced with during production, and allows us to start setting a target for the final look of the game. Explorations like this get the whole team on the same page, defining a vision that our artists, engineers and designers can all understand and evaluate. It also lets us iterate quickly to make sure our visual goals mesh well with our engineering and design goals.

“A couple days ago, this test scene started to really come together. We showed it to the rest of the team, and everyone got really excited seeing what this game could look like. So, while it’s still early work-in-progress, not final… we decided it was just too cool not to show you guys, too!”

You can check out the video for yourself below. Let us know in the comments section what you think of it.

battletechHarebrained SchemesKickstarterpc