Behind The Scenes: Yakuza: Ishin ‘Battle Style’ Developer Walkthrough

Behind the scenes of Yakuza: Ishin.

In this latest video, developers behind the upcoming Yakuza: Ishin walk us through the process of developing the gameplay, and what gamers can expect from the it when it hits retail shelves.

While the video itself is not in English, it is still possible to understand what we are we looking at, and consequently glean some insight into the process of creating the game’s unique combat system.

From the looks of things, the battle styles were modeled with the genuine uses of the weapons on display in mind. There was a lot of focus paid to making sure that the physics of the characters wielding the weapons were as realistic as possible, while still trying to incorporate fantastical elements to the action itself.

There’s no two ways about it. Yakuza: Ishin looks plain cool. From where I’m sitting, I expect it to fill all of my samurai-killing-yakuza-with-swords-and-guns-in-righteous-fashion needs in a video game.

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