Beyond Good And Evil 2 Is Currently In Pre-Production, Creator Confirms

It's finally happening!

Fans of the 2003 cult classic Beyond Good and Evil have been waiting for a sequel to the game for a very long time- especially since Ubisoft have kept teasing a second game for all this while. But we finally began to get something substantial in way of news on Beyond Good and Evil 2 a few weeks ago when Michel Ancel, creator of the original game, started teasing a sequel on his Instagram account with shared concept art.

Of course, as telling as those posts were, they weren’t explicit. But today, we got something explicit- in another post on his Instagram, Ancel confirmed that Beyond Good and Evil 2 is currently in pre-production, while also sharing another bit of art from the game. Of course, for a lot of fans, it’ll be a bummer that the game isn’t anywhere close to release- for others, it’ll be a big deal that it’s being developed at all.

Earlier this year, rumor broke out that Beyond Good and Evil 2 would be a Nintendo NX exclusive. If this is true, then we should hopefully be seeing more of the game when Nintendo finally unveils the NX, expected to be later this month.

Beyond Good and Evil 2Nintendo NXUbisoft