Beyond: Two Souls Releasing in UK on October 11th 2013

Quantic Dream's PS3 exclusive releases three days after the North American release date.

As reported by Videogamer, a recently TV advert showcasing the PlayStation 3’s upcoming releases has Quantic Dream’s Beyond: Two Souls as slated to release in the UK on October 11th 2013.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe later confirmed the release date, which means that UK gamers will be receiving the game a good three days after the North American release (set for October 8th).

Considering the life-cycle of the PlayStation 3 after the announcement of the PlayStation 4, releasing at the end of this year, the exclusives coming up this year are more important than ever. Beyond: Two Souls does one better, as it stars Ellen Paige and Willem Dafoe and is directed by David Cage, who earlier brought us Heavy Rain.

Beyond: Two Souls follows the tale of Jodie Holmes, a young girl who seemingly possesses supernatural powers to perform feats like telekinesis. Of course, this is also due to her companion Aiden, who can also be controller to “spirit walk” to places and open the way forward.

Beyond: Two Soulsps3Quantic DreamSCEE