Beyond: Two Souls wasn’t a lot more expensive than Heavy Rain

He didn't reveal how much it cost.

David Cage has revealed that Beyond: Two Souls didn’t burn a hole in Sony’s pocket and cost just a little more than Heavy Rain.

The latter had a budget of $25 million or something around that figure, and it includes development and marketing costs.

“I don’t know if the budget is public but it’s been a very, very reasonable price,” he told CVG. “We do very complex games, but I don’t think they’re very expensive compared to others out there.”

“The project is cheaper because we’ve got better at what we do. We’re very tools-centric and we pay close attention to our costs. We don’t do anything crazy with the finances, we pay correctly but we don’t have sports cars, boats or the rest of it. We run the company very seriously.”

The game will be released in October this year for the PS3. You can check out some additional details on the game here.

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Beyond: Two Soulsps3Quantic Dream