Bioware Art Head Teased New IP at GDC 2016, No One Noticed

Well played.

For all the hype that Bioware has been delivering for Mass Effect: Andromeda – and the waiting that will have to be done since it’s likely out in early 2017 – it’s easy to forget that the studio is working on a new IP.

Bioware head of design and art Alistair McNally was in fact promoting the same new IP at GDC 2016. Hilariously, no one noticed. On Twitter, he stated, “Also it was fun to walk around GDC2016 in a t-shirt with our new IP on it and no one batted an eyelid.”

Hopefully, some one managed to get a snap of that T-shirt. Of course, the other possibility – a much realer one – is that no one has any clue what it looks like. McNally has won this battle.

What are your thoughts on what the new IP could be? Let us know in the comments below and stay tuned for more information on Mass Effect: Andromeda in the coming weeks as well.

BiowareGDC 2016Mass Effect Andromeda