Bioware has been saying a lot of the right things about its upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition, which is the third entry in the series (and the one that immediately follows 2011’s widely reviled Dragon Age II).
They have been showing off a vast, beautifully realized open world, some great characters and characterization, and what looks to be a return to the emphasis on the kind of role playing that Origins was about when it released way back in 2009 in the first place.
They seem to be continuing on this streak of saying all the right things. According to Bioware, ‘most’ buildings in Inquisition can be entered, although just how many constitutes most remains to be seen. Also, considering that literally every single building in 2011’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim could be entered and explored (and remember, Skyrim has been cited as an inspiration for Inquisition), it still does represent a regression from the genre’s cream of the crop.
Source: Twitter