Bioware’s founders to be honored with life time achievement award

Well deserved.

Bioware founders, Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk, who are also doctors and left Bioware back in 2012, are to be honored with a life achievement award at GDC this year.

“The BioWare Doctors are truly a unique breed. Not only have they created some of the most emotionally-engaging and beloved games ever made, they are two of the most passionate, engaging, just all-around nice guys anyone could be fortunate enough to meet. Anyone, be they a longtime colleague or a fan who’s met them only once at an event like GDC can tell you they treat everyone like a friend, and I am so pleased we can show them our deep appreciation this year with this award,” said Meggan Scavio, General Manager of all GDC events.

“There’s no denying the deep footprint Ray and Greg have made, and how much their dedication and leadership will be missed in our industry. We’re proud to honor them with the Lifetime Achievement Award as they parlay into their next careers.”

The Game Developers Choice Awards ceremony will be held on March 27, at Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco.


BiowareGDC 2013