Bioware’s New IP Delayed Into Next Year

Looks like the wait for this game just got longer...

While Mass Effect Andromeda was handed off to a relatively newer studio within Bioware, Bioware itself was busy working away on a new IP, a persistent, shared world shooter, not dissimilar to Destiny and The Division, that we were originally told is supposed to launch this year. That… will not be happening anymore. The game has now been delayed into next year.

Speaking at the financial investors meeting, EA’s CEO Andrew Wilson said that to accommodate Bioware’s development cycle, they have decided to shift the release date into next year. “We’re very pleased with the progress of our new action IP from BioWare. The design is stunning, gameplay mechanics are excellent, and the action will be exhilarating. The game is built around a live service, and through our creative process, we decided to add more to the disruptive new social design for our players. To accommodate that, we are moving the launch date for this project into fiscal year ’19.”

So that’s that, folks- for now, if you want a game in this genre, The Division and Destiny remain your best bets, it seems like.

[EA Investor Relations]
