Black State Gameplay Video Showcases Gorgeous Visuals and Combat

Captured at CES 2025, the gameplay video showcases the title's emphasis on high-end visual fidelity with gorgeous reflections.
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While indie developer Motion Blur has been relatively quiet about its upcoming title, Black State, since the game’s announcement back in July 2024, the studio has been showcasing the title at CES 2025. You can check out three and a half minutes of gameplay below.

Going by the video, some of the influences of seminal games like Metal Gear Solid are evident, with quite a few of the title’s designs seemingly coming right out of the pages of Yoji Shinkawa’s art book. The video also indicates that the game’s visual fidelity is definitely a high priority of the studio. There are lavishly-designed rooms with incredible levels of reflections all over the place.

The video also gives us a brief look at what we can expect from Black State when it comes to gameplay. The game will be a third-person shooter where the player will use cover to take down enemies ranging from regular soldiers to all-out demons with telekinetic powers. Various weapons are also shown off, from the humble assault rifle to a strange gun that seems to shoot electricity.

Black State will have players taking on the role of a military “legend”, according to the game’s original announcement, and will set out on a mission to uncover the truth about a cataclysmic event, and while they’re at it, also rescue a scientist potentially linked to these events.

Alongside Metal Gear Solid, the studio has previously also cited other games as inspiration, including The Last of Us and Uncharted. Black State is currently in development on PC and doesn’t yet have a release date. The game is developed on Unreal Engine 5.

Black StateCES 2025Motion Blurpc