Borderlands 2 PC will support modding, SDK in development

Borderlands 2 PC will support modding and an SDK is in development too, according to Gearbox Software CEO Randy Pitchford.

While speaking at Rezzed he revealed a lot of things about how they didn’t have enough budget to spend on the first game, but considering the stellar sales of the game, they can make its sequel to the best of their abilities. One of them was releasing mod tools for the Borderlands, which wasn’t possible, but for its sequel its a reality.

“There was a moment after Borderlands shipped where we thought about releasing an official SDK,” said Pitchford, “but we found that most of what we would be able to do, was already accomplished by the gaming community,” he said.

“The best thing we could do for the community was get to work on Borderlands 2. Imagine if we’d spend a year working on an SDK for BL2.”

The game will be released this year for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

borderlands 2gearbox softwarepc