Bound Walkthrough With Ending

A complete video walkthrough of Bound.


What is Bound? The latest game that Sony Santa Monica have pushed out was developed in conjunction with Plastic Studios, and is a surreal and psychedelic adventure set in the mind of a woman visiting her childhood in her memories. With its sharp, stark, highly stylized graphics that immediately arrest the player’s attention, and its engaging and unusual premise, this is a game that merits playing, in spite of all of its many flaws.

If you do decide to play it, however, you may find yourself unable to progress in the game at certain points for any reason- and if and when that happens, you may decide that you need help. There’s nothing wrong with that! And that’s what we’re here for. This video walkthrough for Bound, which you can watch for yourself below, will take you through the entire game, so you know exactly what you should be doing, and when you should be doing it. Just remember, though, it will end up spoiling the game for you, so be careful!

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