Brand New Caffeine Video Shows Off Shadow Effects

Light and shadow.

We used to post these very regularly, but you might have noticed that it’s been a while since we posted anything new regarding Caffeine, the upcoming science fiction, futuristic horror game. Not only is the game intriguing because of its premise- it’s set in a time when coffee is a rare and valuable substance, on an abandoned caffeine mining facility in space- but its technical accomplishments, which include being built fully in Unreal Engine 4, as well as full Oculus Rift support, make it an interesting game to follow too.

Anyway, here’s a brand new video for you. This one, as with all other videos that were released for this game, shows off new graphical tricks, in this case, the new light and shadow tricks that this game will hopefully employ to great effect to build atmosphere, made possible by the Unreal Engine 4.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information.

CaffeineOculus Riftunreal engine 4