Bravely Default Lead Artist Leaves Square Enix

But he will continue working on the series for as long as he is needed.

Bravely Default, the awkwardly titled but incredible looking JRPG from Square Enix exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS line of handhelds, has been hailed for its gorgeous, beautiful looking art and artstyle- and now, we find out that Akihiko Yoshida, who has worked at Square Enix for eighteen years, and among other things, was the lead artist for Bravely Default, has now left the series.

This message came as part of the artbook that came included with the special edition of the game in Europe.

‘This is a personal message of mine, but I’d like to say thank you for all the support these past 18 years. I have decided to leave Square Enix, but I believe our relationship will continue going on.

And as long as I’m needed, I will continue working on the Bravely Default series. Thank you for your continued support.’

At the very least, it sounds like it was an amiable departure, unlike some other high profile ones in the company.

Stay tuned for more coverage of Bravely Default.

Bravely DefaultSquare Enix