Bungie Wrongfully Resetting Players Halo Reach Credits

Bungie had been resetting players credits in Halo Reach for using an exploit/bug that give you a lot of cR quickly.  Unfortunately some players have just been credit reset for not doing anything wrong.  Bungie has recently reset the ranks of approximately 15,000 players.  Who knows how many of those 15k players actually cheated using the exploit or not.  The exploit involves being disconnected from Xbox Live so people that are disconnected for reasons they can’t help are getting credit reset.

Bungie also added a one day credit earning ban on affected players to”ensure that recipients receive an in-game notification of the action taken.”  Which some people never got so that had no idea they were doing anything wrong.  There was no message that said you were banned from earning credits for a day.  Later this week  Bungie will make a “more comprehensive pass” once they think this automated banning system is working perfectly.

We have contacted Bungie on the issue and are waiting for a reply still.  We’ll keep you updated here as soon as we get some more info on the subject.

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