Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Settings Menu Lets You Disable Music, Mantle

Sledgehammer offering gamers some options to customize their experience.

Sledgehammer Games was showing off Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and we managed to get a good look at the game’s options menu as well. Pictured above, you can see it offers users something notable, a first in the history of the series- the option to disable music entirely while playing the game. Yes, amazingly enough, no Call of Duty game has ever offered this option before.

That’s not all either. Players can also choose to enable Auto Mantle in the settings. Because of the sheer pace of the game, sometimes it might be hard for you to coordinate running, jumping, and shooting all at once (especially if you’re a Call of Duty player), so you can just jump over walls and stuff with a single button press. On the other hand, if you want the game to actually demand some concentration and reflexes from you, then you can turn Auto Mantle off.

Advanced Warfare launches in November on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC.



activisionCall of Duty: Advanced WarfareGamesComsledgehammer games