Call of Duty Black Ops 2: Xbox 360 Player Ranked #1 Resets Stats Due to Constant Harassment

Stay classy, COD players.

Pop quiz question: If you join a multiplayer game for the first time, and see an overwhelming number of people ranked higher than you, what do you do?

Work hard to reach their level, putting the time and effort needed to be the best? Or just harass and bully the top-ranked players with under-handed tactics till they either leave the game or just reset their stats altogether?

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Xbox 360 user “Retrominano” was ranked number 1 in the game for the 360. However, he was continuously hit by Distributed Denial of Service or DDOS attacks that interrupted his internet and prevented him from playing.

In a message sent to a friend from PC, he says he can’t even remain online for more than 10 minutes PER FRIGGIN’ DAY.

Despite trying to reset his IP multiple times, Retrominano found no relief. His games were constantly joined by players who harassed. He took the only sane recourse after that: Resetting his stats and going back to Level 1.

Think about that for a second: Black Ops 2 players – no shining examples of maturity, sure, but still gamers – harassed the number 1 ranked Xbox 360 player IN THE WORLD – a rank which he earned legitimately – for being better than them.

Give yourselves a round of high-fives, guys. With a folding chair. To the face. Here’s hoping Activision and Treyarch track down Retrominano and ban the gamers who harassed him, before buffing up security as a whole.

Source: Reddit (Via Gameranx)

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2cyber bullyingmultiplayerxbox 360