Can Next Gen Cloth and Hair animation look like this?

Creating realistic looking character models can be difficult. We have seen plenty of advances this gen, with games like Uncharted and the likes pushing the bar in creating believable characters. But one things like animations, especially cloth and hair animations are often overlooked.

Now, it could be due to the lack of processing capabilities of the current gen consoles, which is understandable, but next gen we can surely see some advancements in these areas.

In Final Fantasy XIII, we saw Lightning’s hair and cloth move with the wind, but it wasn’t that significant for people to notice and make a big deal out of it. So what can we expect from next-gen consoles?

Nvidia has released a lot of tech demos that showcase these features, for example, this hair animation video. These demos were created with hardware which are much undeniably superior than current gen consoles.

And also cloth animations, which really places the character in the environment and makes everything look so good. It would take a toll on the hardware resources but next gen we could see this happening.

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cloth animationhair animationnext-genNvidia