Capcom All Set To Unveil An All New Game Next Week

It’s not a good time for you if you’re Capcom or a Capcom fan. The company has come under fire in the last few years for ruining beloved franchises (Resident Evil 5 and the upcoming Devil May Cry), for milking users with day one DLC (Resident Evil 5. Again), for ruining some potentially good new IPs (Lost Planet), for delaying long awaited projects (Megaman Legends 3), for milking their games (Street Fighter IV comes to mind, which, in addition to the original release, saw an iOS version, a Super Street Fighter IV, Super Street Fighter IV 3D, and finally Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition), and most recently, for its absurd DRM measures (Resident Evil: Mercenaries on the 3DS, with its ridiculous one save system).

Clearly, the company is in need of some good press. Most likely, it hopes that its announcement of a new game will clear some of that up, and indeed, Capcom is scheduled to announce a new project next week at its ‘The World of Capcom’ panel.

We don’t know what this new game will be, but we can speculate. Most likely, it will be, as Capcom has already hinted at, a Super Marvel vs Capcom 3. Then again, it might be a new SNK fighter as well. Both announcements would make sense, since the timing coincides with Comic Con.

Other potential reveals could be a new Monster Hunter for the 3DS, a new Monster Hunter for the PS Vita, localization plans for Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright, a new Phoenix Wright, a new Okami game and Viewtiful Joe 3. We might even get really lucky, and get teased with a Resident Evil 6 announcement!

What do you think Capcom will reveal?

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