Capcom Tease PS4 Gamers With A New Game

This could be a very, very good thing for PS4 gamers.

Capcom, purveyors of fighting games that are forever being iterated upon, have stepped up to the plate and teased the entire PlayStation 4 player base with a brand new PS4 game with an announcement coming soon. Not content with merely teasing a game, Jun Takeuchi who has worked on Street Fighter II & Resident Evil etc, has said “It’s gonna be something that will even turn heads overseas.”

Speaking to the highly respected Famitsu magazine, Takeuchi said. “PlayStation 4 development has been ongoing, but the more I use the system the more it seems there is to uncover. SCE has made a really incredible system for us.”

He then goes on to use the old Square Enix line, “please look forward to it” and then laughs and says “I realize that’s obnoxious”. What a champ.

Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono is said to be working on a second game whilst he works on Deep Down, so it’s entirely possible that this is the next game. Who knows? Just get hype.


capcomplaystation 4sceTakeuchiYoshinori Ono