CD Projekt On Loot Boxes: If You Pay, You Should Get A Polished Product

And they don't mean polished like how they are a Polish studio, either.

The loot box controversy is something that has become a hot topic of discussion in the last few months, mostly because of more and more major AAA games adding them, including Star Wars Battlefront 2, which had a particularly egregious implementation of them. Governments, publishers, and developers have all been speaking about the controversy- and now, CD Projekt, which is arguably the most consumer friendly developer there is, has chipped in with their thoughts on the issue.

“Where we stand is quite simple and you could see it with all of our past releases—most recently The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and GWENT,” CD Projekt co-founder Marcin Iwiński told PC Gamer. “If you buy a full priced game, you should get a big, polished piece of content, which gives you many, many hours of fun gameplay.”

CD Projekt’s stance should not come as a surprise to anybody who has been following the developer and their works- as Iwiński himself notes, the developer has a history of never nickel and diming their costumer. This includes DRM free releases, major content released for the customer for either absolutely free, or very cheap prices, and full fledged “Enhanced Edition” re-releases as well- it stands to reason that CD Projekt RED would not approve of a practice as predatory as lootboxes can be. If only other developers and publishers in the western AAA industry would take some leaves out of their book.

CD Projekt RED