CD Projekt RED clarify mutliplayer job advertisement

Yesterday we reported a job listing on CD Projekt RED’s website which suggested the Polish developer was seeking to add multiplayer to The Witcher 3.

Today Michal Platokow-Gilewksi, head of marketing, has explained the Multiplayer Programmer listing to Eurogamer: “As for the job ad: this post should be named Multiplayer/Online Programmer. I don’t want to comment on what this guy will create, it’s way too early.

“We want to bring to the team someone experienced in this field to evaluate our concepts and ideas. He will be one of backbone elements of our R&D. We believe that there’s still a lot of space for innovation in the RPG genre.

“At this stage of our games’ development, we want to explore all possible directions, check what would be cool, what’s feasible and – always the most important for us – what suits our games the best.”

So it seems like this job listing is certainly looking future-ward, and also likely to be more to do with RED Engine itself than any specific title.

Source: Eurogamer

CD ProjektCyberpunkThe Witcher 3