Check Out The Opening Movie For Bravely Second

Things escalating.

Bravely Default, the Square Enix JRPG for the Nintendo 3DS, that channeled old school JRPG goodness, and was a critical and commercial hit worldwide, is getting a sequel soon. It’s called Bravely Second, and while we have seen a lot of it, we still haven’t understood exactly how the game plans on following up the story of the first title.

Any uncertainty regarding that should be quickly quelled when you watch this video, however. It’s the intro movie of the game, and it seems to set the stage for the rest of the story to follow pretty damn quickly. It also seems to epitomize the phrase ‘that escalated quickly.’

That apart, Bravely Second is looking gorgeous, and given the response the first game had in the west (it sold more outside of Japan than it did in Japan), let’s hope that it will have a shorter localization period, and we can all play it on our 3DS systems in English soon.

Bravely DefaultBravely SecondNintendoNintendo 3DSSquare Enix